Working with Tate Digital, Mill+ created this trailer

for the eagerly anticipated

Picasso exhibition at the Tate Modern, exploring

the three themes present

during the artist's most prolific year,

'Love', 'Fame' and 'Tragedy.'


Mill+ directors Ivo Sousa and Ross Urien

used a mixture of live action shots,

abstract-graphical shots (to interpret

Picasso's emotions and feelings), archive

footage (to set up the time and place in 1932),

as well as artworks to showcase

some of the content at the Tate exhibition.

They explain, 'We wanted to create a trailer

which would not only reflect the

scale of this particular exhibition at the

Tate Modern, but also to be a stirring

emotional device, a moving hook to the tile

with the exhibition slogan, 'Love,

Fame and Tragedy.'1932 is been described as

one of the biggest creative periods

for Picasso's history, it is one of his best

years of work and it was key for the

Tate to make a film that compelled the viewer

to go to the Tate in search

of answers. The tone of the film is emotional,

intriguing and a surreal at times.

We created a journey interconnecting the

moments within 1932  that flow

in and out of one another without

having to keep a linear narrative.

We treated the trailer like it was Picasso's

mind talking instead of an outsider's

perspective. Some shots work as

memories and flash backs coming from

Picasso's mind, while others are

historical context.

During the shoot we made many props and

designs to depict the era. We

designed posters and calendars to be

used on the shoot as well as harlequin

patterns on the CGI cloth shots. Everything

was curated to fit into the world

of what we interpreted as Picasso's mind set in 1932.'



Agency: Tate Digital

Producer: Scott Morris

Assistant Producer: Saskia Mercuri

Production Company

Production: Mill+

Director: Ivo Sousa and Ross Urien

Executive Producer: Ian Walker

Producer: Joseph Binks

Director of Photography: Charlie Herranz

Production Assistant: Lucy Hawes


Editorial: The Mill

Editor: Ivo Sousa

VFX Production

VFX: The Mill

Executive Producer: Ian Walker

VFX Creative

VFX Creative: The Mill

Art Director: Ivo Sousa and Ross Urien

Matte Painting: Cameron Johnson

Design: Ross Urien and Ivo Sousa

Motion Graphics: James Lee


Colour: The Mill

Colourist: Oisin O’Driscoll


